2.6. eBay Errors

After submission, eBay may return errors that will prevent your products from being published. Here's the list of most common eBay errors and actions how to avoid them:

The item cannot be listed or modified

The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy.

This error means that you have to set up Reimbursement Payment Method. In order to complete your listing, please add your reimbursement payment method now. Once you're done, you'll be able to review and submit your listing.

If you try to submit same product via eBay directly, you will receive the following error:

You cannot submit your listing due to the following problems. You're almost done with your listing. There's just one more thing to do. It looks like you don't have a reimbursement payment method on file with us. Sellers must have a reimbursement payment method on file under our Buyer Protection Policy.