3.3. Synchronization

Synchronization is performed to update the details (price, quantity, description, and status) for the existing eBay products.

To start the process, press the [Synchronization] button, select a configuration and confirm this operation by clicking [Next]:

Make the main selections on the page with the general options to be able to proceed:

In the next step, you should specify the identification fields and choose the method of data synchronization:

Take into account the item identification fields:

Update active eBay items checkboxes in the "Synchronization Options" pane:

  1. "Update item price" - change the price on eBay on the value indicated in the store database.

  2. "Update items quantity (for fixed price items only)". If products on eBay have fixed price, their quantities will be modified to the ones specified in the store database.

  3. "Update items description" allows updating descriptions of products based on the available information in the store.

You can perform some bulk operations in the scheduled listings:

1. "End active or delete scheduled listings if"

This can be possible if you select the current checkbox and choose one of the following conditions:

< - When a product which data should be updated to "is disabled" or "Out of stock".

< - When a product's availability for updating is less than specified number of units

2. "Relist inactive items if":

< - If products contained in the store and involved in synchronization, are active and have the status "In Stock".

< - Each unit of product that is higher than the value specified in the relevant field, leads to the relisting in eBay catalog.

Additional fields of relisting area:

  • "Change price of relisted item". These items will be modified with the new price values that are currently available at the store.

  • "Change quantity of relisted item". Relates to items with the fixed price on eBay, and allows to modify the amount of products during synchronization.

  • "Change items description" - update description content based on the actual products information at the store.

Use the lower buttons to configure the content:

  • The [Insert Macro] button. The macros help to upload the data from the corresponding field of the store database that will be displayed on the Product page in the "Description" tab.

  • If you want to add some additional text you can use the [Edit as HTML] button to launch the "HTML editor" form, and such content will be shown on the eBay front-end.

For example, you need to supplement text of product description. To activate the Item Description Template box on the right, firstly, select the checkbox responsible for updating the items description on the left:

In the right pane, there are also the options to change price values by using the expression formula:

Choose the required macro for each price field to form the necessary formula and press [Test Formulas] to verify the correctness of the indicated schemes (as you can see in the illustration above).

From the last addon's update (starting from the ver. 3.3.3:423) there is the possibility to update the price values of the variable products at the eBay store too.

The relevant field appeared on the Options step during eBay synchronization process.

Once the price of products with variations has been changed at the online store, you are able to apply this modification to the similar eBay positions, as well. Specify the price attribute in the Variation price formula field. Use the [Insert] button to choose the necessary macro, as you can see on the illustration above.

Note: this field contains only the "Fixed variations" price value.

Take into account, the particular form - "Item price Options" with the required field, can be available once the "Update item price" condition in the left side is checked.

Then press the [Synchronize] button to launch synchronization.

Click one of the product links in the summary step:

You should see the modified description field with an extra text and the updated variation price values on the eBay Product page:

The results on eBay